yesterday 5 am on the pc had overwelming body flushing felling ,bp 200/115/110 heart rate.took a zanax,and a hydrauzaline felt feeling uncomfortable in the chest took more of same meds felt better went to sleep .bp106/61/95 pulse . Don t feel normal ,pulse too high?I went to my regular pcp and not the ER.They say panic atacks .I have been to ER 6 times this year.cardiologist says heart test are normal ,light plaque in coronary and cortitoid arteryies,but nothing to be alarmed about yet .my diet is veggies, fish fillet and fruit.I take glyberide /metformin,hydrachlorothiazide,resovostatin 5mg,levothyroxin, 50mg attenolol,losartan 50mg x2,zetia , just don t feel good in the chest ,heart