My baby is 3 months 10 days old.He was born prematurely at 35 weeks with a 2 kg birth wt.15 days after birth he started vomiting yellow stained milk and he was diagnosed having GERD.Earlier , he used to vomit copiously once during a day , in two days This pattern has changed since April beginning when he is vomiting milk two to three times a day .Just after feed he gags, coughs and vomits out the feed . He is exclusively breast fed.He is extremely gassy and passes wind or burps like an adult.I am burping him , holding him upright , keeping his head elevated , regulated his feed times but nothing seems to help.Doctor has prescribed Domstol 4 times a day and lanzol junior one fourth tablet once a day. Domstol is not having any effect on his vomiting. However, Lanzol junior helped in his reflux and he is able to keep his feed down. He is an active baby but gaining wt. very slowly. He is only 3 kg as on date but very active. Because of the reflux he has trouble sleeping and is mostly awake and playful and seldom cries unless hungry . My concern is how long can lanzol junior be given to such a small baby, what are its side effects or long term effects. When is my baby s condition likely to improve.