Hello I m a 29 year old female and have been having what feels like Hypoglycemia symproms but all my tests say normal. About 2 years ago I notice that I wasn t able to lose weight. I was stuck at 125. Last February I gained a sudden 10 lbs in 1-3weeks. I was working out 5-6 times a week and eating a very clean diet. I had always been in shape and eaten healthy. I would have my cheat days and then get back on track. When I had a cheat day containing a lot of sugar, I was really nautious the next day and even woke up dry heaving but only liquid would come up. I started noticing that when I didn t eat a lot of protein and ate mostly carbs, I would feel like I hadn t eaten the next day. When I woke up it felt like my blood sugar was super low and I didn t feel better until I ate protein. It got so bad that I missed a couple days of work and then went to the doctor. I have since kept gaining weight and am about 143-145lbs now, gained about 20lbs in a year with no change to diet and exercise. I have sensitivities to gluten so have stuck to only 1-3 servings a day of any starch for years. I now eat mostly protein because if I don t, I ll feel sick the next day. My doctor has ran all the tests that you could think of and several times. Blood sugar, thyroid, insulin resistance, glucose test and now I have a colonoscopy, an appointment with an Endocrinologist and have made myself an appointment with a naturopath. It s getting really frustrating and no matter how hard or long and how healthy I eat doesn t change my weight gain. The hypoglycemia feeling comes on everyday but again, tests say normal. I also have a personal glucose meter at home. I have also noticed now that when I eat refined sugar I get really warm. If I go above and beyond and have extra sugar, I start to sweat. Sometimes I ll sweat all throughout the night and wake up soaking wet. Again the doctor has tested for pre diabetes. I m starting to get really stressed and down since none of my clothes fit anymore and I don t have the money to spend more hundreds on new clothes. I am tired of feeling like this. Any help is appreciated!