Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
You have a problem of
constipation hence you are able to pass stool daily. This causes fecoliths to remain in the colon for a long time and thus may cause pain, tenderness, gases,
bloating, feeling uneasiness and so on.
I would like to advise you the following:
Consult your Doctor for clinical evaluation, examination and investigations of X-ray of abdomen to find the status of fecoliths in colon and any other problems.
Get the stool, blood and urine tested.
If fecolith are present it is always better to get the water+soap enema to clear the colon of fecoliths. This helps to get a proper motion daily with help of stool softeners, laxative and thus have
regular bowel movements.
Also change the food habits to increase fiber contents in diet; avoid foods and beverages that you must have noticed to cause constipation in your case.
Plenty of fluids orally helps further.
stress and
maintain these things and you will be fine.