My father is very sick,he can not walk and use hands.He has fasciculation all over his body,about 3 years,but the real problem started around 5 mounths ago,when he started to use a drug name Rilutek,this drug gave him his doctor,without any analasis(MRI,spinal fluid,CT head...).When he first visit his doctor he gave him a BFS syindrom.First he gave him to drink Tegretol,Xanax Alprazolam (Ksalol),for over a year and a half.He was feeling good untill he gave him Riluzole,after tahat he started to lose his balance,he stared falling,his hands stared to get weaker, after two months his condition started to get worse,he started to have speach problem,now his nack hurts and going forward,the same is with the shoulders,and about few days ago his foots and hands are very swollen.That doctor never send him to MRI,but we went on our own,that was two years ago,when he could walk,and when he was heathy,ecsept he had fasciculaton.On MRI the diagnoses was beginer syindrom of cervical spinal stenosis myelopathy(primarily narrow canals from c2-c7 and pronounced c-lordosis,hard protrusion of C4-5 and C5-6 IV discs with myelopathy,reduction of spinal canal diameter of 9 mm,and bilateral stenosis foraminalne,discarthrosis onC3-4 IV and C6-7 IV levels.He was at a hospital few mounts ago and his analasis were o.k(spinal fluid,CT head,all blood and urin test also o.k,and lungs tests) and based on his outside condition(clinical) they told him he has an MND(ALS) disease,but they didnt do a new MRI to see what happend with his spine,they just sent him home and gave him drugs:millgama,qoenzim Q 10,zoloft.Can you please tell us what is wrong with my father?(age 54),could it be a myelopathy because of the very simulare symptomes.We are waiting for your answer,thank you.