my 3 year old has had fever for 4 days. it has gone up to 103.6 and 103.9. she complains of body pain at different times, at times on top o head, leg, elbow, lower leg and even ribs.on 5th day today ever is down to 100 or so but hands and feet are cold even when she has the fever. she had small blotchy rash near her wrist its still there but has faded a little, appeared yesterday in 2 different spots also today is the first time in 4 days shes been able to eat solids otherwise she was refusing completely. she s very lethargic and restless and eyes look glassy.her WB count is 10 and platelets are 165 while rp level is 7.05. we have been asked to redo these tests 4 tests after the first round of tests were done. what could she possibly be down with? dengue...meningitis?