My blood pressure for years has been around 125/68. A couple of months ago I was experiencing a lot of pain in my muscles, bones, and back (big knot under shoulder blade made it hard to breathe deep). When I went in to a doctor and did fasting bloodwork my blood pressure was 145/90. A few weeks later I woke up in the middle of the night extremely hot. I when to turn on a fan an found that I could not move my right hand and fingers and my arm felt heavy. After several minutes of rubbing my hand and arm, I was able to move my hand again. About 15 minutes later my left arm (including hand) started to fall asleep . I tried to roll on a lacrosse ball to break up the knot in my back and took some asprin. I When I went back to the doctor a couple days later for test results my blood pressure dropped to around 90/55. They did an EKG and said everything is normal. The last two times I have had my blood pressure taken it has been around 98/62. The muscle, bone, and back pain is mostly gone. Blood work came back fine except cholesterol is a bit high 227 ttl, 144, ldl and 60 HDL. I m concerned because I still have tightness/pain in my chest at times. It is mostly in my right side. I am a 45 yr old female, weight is 145. My mom has high cholesterol and is almost 80. My dad died of heart disease at 54 (first quad bypass was at 48). I did cut out red meat and bought the cholesterol medicine but am not taking it. Should I be concerned about the change in blood pressure?