i had a tubal ligation in May of 2011, a Uterin Ablasion in November 2011 aswell as the doctor collapsing the walls of my uterus. I have gone through what seems to be withdrawals from pregnancies...lol. However, now I am experiencing fluttering feelings in my left abdominal area and around my belly button., My boobs are tender and swollen and have grown considerably. I have taken Two at home pregnancies, both result negative, My doctor thinks it is in my head, but these are physical symptons and movemnets i cannot explain, it is not gas. Is this typical, or should I be concerned? a few other facts: I have had 16 pregnancies, 8 live births and 8 miscarriage. I have been on different birth controls since my second child was born(the shot, patch, 2 different pills, and the nuvaring), changing BC methods upon failure (having another child). My mother and her mother have very similar pregnancy stories both birthing numerous children. My mother had a tubal ligation after I was born and went on to further have 4 more pregnacies in which 2 resulted in live births. Is there some sort of condition or something that would cause such power and persistance of fertility(other than a higher power)? Can I do something to bring down my fertility?