Dear Dr.
I am presently 62 years old, having height 5' 8" and weight about 58kg. I have cronic problem of inflamation in soles and palms without any changes in the skin or any external appearnce. Warmness of palms and soles can be easily felt on touching other part of body. My medical examination tests results are also given for your kind consideration.
Sr. No. Date
Of Test Test Obtained Value Normal Value Remarks
1 17.07.2008 Weight 56 kg
08.05.2010 ,, 53.9 kg Loss of weight by 2.1 kg in about 2 years
2 17.07.2008 Haemoglobin 14.4 g/dl 13 -18 (M)
23.10.2009 ,, 12.8
14.06.2010 ,, 13.4 After about 1 month of start of Livogen (Iron) tab one on alternate day
3 Lipid Profile
3.1 23.10.2008 S. Cholestrol 146 mg% 150 -250
06.02.2009 ,, ,, 158 150 -250
24.09.2009 Cholestrol 142 130 – 220* *Other test lab
14.06.2010 Total Cholestrol 180.3 mg/dl 150 -250
3.2 23.10.2008 S Tryglycerides 110 mg% 60 - 150
06.02.2009 102
14.06.2010 84.6 mg/dl Upto 150 mg/dl
3.3 23.10.2008 HDL Cholestrol 40 mg% 30 - 70
06.02.2009 50 mg%
14.06.2010 S HDL Cholestrol 51 mg/dl 35 - 70
3.4 23.10.2008 LDL Cholestrol 84 mg% Upto -150
06.02.2009 87 mg%
14.06.2010 S LDL Cholestrol 112.38 mg/dl
4 14.06.2010 Glucose (Fasting) 70 mg/100ml 60 - 100 Sugar level was being monitored regularly and maintained through diet control only.
5. 14.06.2010 Urea Nitrogen (Fasting) 12.8 mg/100ml 5 -21
6 14.06.2010 Cretine (Fasting) 0.8 mg/100ml 0.6 -1.4
7 14.06.2010 Billirubin Total 1.8 mg/100ml 0.1 -0.8
8 14.06.2010 Serum alk phos 66.0 U/L 0 - 115
9 14.06.2010 SGPT 31.5 U/L 0 - 40
10. 14.06.2010 WBC(TotalCount) 6300 /cumm 4300 - 10800
11 14.06.2010 Neutrophils 63 % 45 - 74
12 14.06.2010 Lymphocytes 35 % 16 - 45
13 14.06.2010 Eosinoplils 02 % 0 - 4
14 08.05.2010 Bone Mineral Density (BMD)
14.1 T-Score 0.7
Z -Score 1.7
15 04.07.2010 Total Serum Bilirubin 0.89 mgm/dl 0.2 – 1.0 mgm/dl * Sample taken after about 2Hrs of Break fast
** Test done in other lab
16 04.07.2010 Direct bilirubin 0.45 mgm/dl Below 0.2 mgm/dl ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,
04.07.2010 Indirect Bilirubin 0.44 mgm/dl ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,
04.07.2010 SGPT 42 U/ml 0 – 40 U/ml of serum ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,
04.07.2010 SGOT 29 U/ml 0 – 40 U/ml of serum ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,
1. BP maintained in the normal range with medicine one Losartan Tab IP 25mg per day.
2. Other Medicine being taken i.e. Optineuron tab and Livogen tab one per day. Sometimes on alternate day.
- Gradual loss in weight /-Fat
- Inflammation
- Weakness, uneasiness, fatigue and not feeling very well.
In view of above, please let me know the cause /s and treatment.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
V. C. Goyal
e-mail: YYYY@YYYY