My husband (43) has been a Meth user for about 2 years, and, is an alcoholic (25 years). We recently separated, but have kept in touch. He told me about an incident several months ago where he was having difficulty urinating, but had constant urges to go. Also, he said there was extreme pain in his groin area. He recently was sent to the ER after complaining of severe pain in his groin and abdomen area. Nothing was said of his alcoholism or Meth use. I'm guessing he was "clean" when he was there because he would have refused to go knowing they draw blood and urine. His GP had informed him several years ago that his blood showed liver damage. The doctor at the hospital told him it was a popular type of hernia, but I don't think that is right. Not trying to undermine a physician, I think my husband should have been honest and mentioned both the addictions. I think his problem is a little more serious. Can you help?