24 y/o generally healthy female, started having sharp severe pain, 11/19, went to er and ct showed a 6.3 cm cyst on my left ovary and free fluid from a cyst that ruptured. My obgyn thought the cyst on the ct may have a leak instead of second ruptured cyst. I went in to have laparoscopic surgery on 11/22 to remove the cyst, aside from saying it was a hemorrhagic cyst and that there was some internal bleeding they told my fiancé everything has gone fine (f/u with surgeon is next week, so I haven t heard anything). Pain was very bad with a lot of swelling for three days (much worse than the laparoscopic appendectomy I had 6 years ago). However I retuned to work 6 days after surgery, 11/28. I have had some soreness after work but I wouldn t consider it pain. Today at lunch time my hands would visibly shake when I tried to type or use my hands, I got diZzy, clammy/sweaty, and I was worried i may faint for about 3 hours. This went away, and at about 3 I started to get a sharp pain similar to the one I had at the time of the cyst rupture, that progressively got worse than it had ever been, felt SOB, slight chest pain, and radiated to my left flank/low back and right low abdomen. This has gone down to similar to the original pain after laying down. As long as the pain doesn t shoot back up am I safe to wait until Monday to call my obgyn?