Hiya my daughter will be 2 next month, before she was born the day I went I m to hospital in labour when they monitored me her heart rate was 188 so the doctors thought it could be the cord round her neck or something wrong with her heart, I got sent home by the midwife though and ended up giving birth at home luckily the cord wasn t round her neck she was fine up until last year when she was 5 months old she ended up in hospital with broncolitus she was in there for 12 days on oxygen, feeding tube etc the doctors I m hospital also heard a heart murmur twice she came home and had a scan as an outpatient and the woman said everything looked fine but ever since then she s constantly getting ill for a good few months her hands, lips & feet will go blue, she tires easily can sleep all night but still get up and have to go back to sleep for a few hours not long after getting up and can sleep for at 4-5 hours, she doesn t really eat a lot anymore either. I took her to doctors a few weeks ago for something else and also got the doctor to listen to her heart she said it sounded fine but to be honest wasn t very good anyway. I just wanted your opinions on her symptoms as it s a worry as I had a hole in my heart when I was younger I had it closed up when I was 9 but my mum said my daughter is the exact same as I was and also my partner has a bicuspid aortic valve. Can you please give me some light on her symptoms and what it could be related to? Thank you