hi sorry to trouble you but i,m so worried i moved back to england in june 2010 after living in n/ireland for 4yrs,from june my sinuses started becoming blocked my sense of smell went and i went to the dr,s he give me antibiotics but they did,nt clear it i have continued getting worse and in december last year came down very ill with chest infection i,m convinced this was brouht on by my sinus,s and my dr give me 3 courses of antibiotics which still have not worked he also gave me steroids to clear my chest as i could hardly breath i noticed during th night that i was gettin hard crusty white like crystal form coming out my nose itried explaing this to my dr and hesaid it was o much information like i was making him feel sick my right nostril is hurting now and the pain is about 7/10 it ha also been drippin like water substance can you please suggest to me what i should do my dr is,nt takig this serious and i,m very worried my left ear pops when i try bloing my nose i just cant clear my nose no matter how hard i try