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Majority of cases throat pain,fever and headache are due to viral infection, but in some cases it is related to bacterial infection (
streptococcal pharyngitis).
In your daughter's case it could be related to that camp for which she was remained in water for longtime.It could be mostly
viral fever and you should give her complete
bed rest for alt east 24 to 48 hours to recover fully.
We differentiate the cause through routine blood counts with throat examination, pharyngoscopy to rule out non infective causes.
Therefore it is advisable to see the doctor,preferably your daughter must see
ENT specialist for complete medical history including history of sensitivity to antibiotics and thoroughly clinical examination.
Sh emight require antibiotics (to prevent
superinfection if cause is viral) with analgesics, anti-inflammatories, decongestants and nebulization with steam inhalation.
In the meanwhile she can start warm salt water gargles.