Hello. A few days ago, I went to a theme park and rode a few more coasters than I should have. After getting off a particularly rough wooden coaster, I had a massive headache, which didn t seem odd at the time since the ride was so jarring. Now, three, four days later, the headache has yet to go away. Along with the constant, dull pain in my head and base of where my neck meets my head, I have been increasingly tired. Recently I have had bouts of not being able to think clearly and feeling confused in moments that should not be confusing to me, such as naming off people I know. I had previously believed that the coaster was simply rough and jarred me, but I would have hoped that the symptoms would have gone away by now. They show no signs of stopping, especially the headache, which I feel hasn t lessened or worsened in intensity unless I sleep, then it seems to hurt less for an hour or two.