Hi thanks for posting your query.As you have symptoms of headache and salty taste in the mouth.According to my opinion gradual intake of pitta aggravating food and lifestyle causes ama or toxins formation which impairs digestion in manovahi strotras leading to headache and salty taste.First of all you have to make few changes in your diet and lifestyle to prevent the symptoms.
Avoid vata and pitta aggravating food like sour,spicy,tea,coffee,alcohol,non veg
Consume food which are alkaline in nature and have cooling effect on body like coconut water,amla,
aloe vera ,mint,coriander,cucumber,green veg,salads,fresh fruits.
Avoid processed food.
You can take few herbal medicines like sutshekhar ras, praval pishti, mukta pishti,
pathyadi kwath
Practise these yoga asanas and pranayam daily
meditation,anulom vilom,chandrabhedi
Boost your
metabolism by going for a walk daily
Therapies like
SHIRODHARA & NASYA are highly recommended
Hope all your doubts are cleared.In case of further query feel free to ask anytime
Take care & best wishes for good health!