Hi thanks for posting your query.I have gone through your query.According to my opinion faulty diet and lifestyle causes aggravation of pitta or heat in the body which impairs digestion leading to ama formation .This ama gets stored in manovahi strotras or nervous system causing
migraine ( headache and
Tips for migraine
Limit or avoid pitta aggravating diet such as tea,caffeine,coffee,non veg,alcohol.
Consume food which have cooling effect on body like mint,coriander,coconut,amla ,
aloe vera.
Instill two drops of Anu oil into both nostrils at bed time.
Avoid exposure to sun.
SHIRODHARA (pouring of herbal oils over forehead)
NASYA( administration of Anu oil)
Start practising pranayam like
Anulom vilom,bhastrika,bhramri,udgeeth or
meditation,shavasan,yoga nidra
Herbal medicines are brahmi churn,saraswat churn,shankhpushpi churn
Hope this answer is useful to you
Wish you best health.