My 10 years old daughter has been feeling sick on & off since last Friday. She is complaining about her head hurting, coughing a lot, either blowing her nose constantly or stuffed up with sinus pressure. I thought she either had a bad cold or caught a bug, as several kids in her class were sick with similar symptoms as well as my husband colleague. Over the weekend, she along with myself and her Daddy, my husband, we were all feeling unwell with fever, sore throat and only my daughter and I threw up and nauseated. She went to school Mon as she was fever free and came home Mon complaining about her throat hurting and having a bump on the inside of her throat, left side. She went to school Tuesday but came home from school with a fever and severe sore throat, crying how much her throat hurt and the bump in her throat causing her a great deal of pain. Tue night as she was getting ready for bed, I noticed her throat looked red and swollen. She said her throat and the bump were hurting more. I thought I saw white bumps, which I had been told could be a sign of strep. She stayed home yesterday, Wednesday due to having a fever. My husband took her to her Pediatrician who checked for strep, and it was negative. ShE no longer had a fever as shortly before she Went to the Dr s office I gave her fever Meds, Motion dye free, as her temperature ran from 99.9-100.5. She was fine when she came home from the Dr s office but said her throat and the bump were hurting more. The Dr prescribed having her drink warm liquids and to drink plenty to Stay hydrated. I have always made sure that she drinks enough fluids. At dinner she had a Bowl of chicken broth with lemon and a few Tortellini in the soup. At bedtime I gave her fever Meds , children s Tylenol and Mucinex Cold multisymptom. She went to bed, her fever spiked up again shortly before bed and she was saying that it hurt to swallow, talk, and that her throat and the bump were hurting more than before. The reason I m writing y all is that she woke up to go to the bathroom and came crying Hoarsly into our bedroom saying that her throat hurt so badly she couldn t sleep. She said that the left side of her neck hurt Which is the side where she has the bump inside her throat. I gently felt her neck and throat and the left side is swollen a bit. She also had a low fever so I gave her fever Meds, the children s Tylenol and meds for her stomach ache. I m concerned about my daughter. I was relieved that she didn t have strep or foot and mouth disease (she had that last year as did nearly all of the 4 classes of 3rd graders!) What could this be? Is it really just a bad cold and the bump is nothing just an irritation from her coughing and sinus drainage ? I just want to know what I can do to help my daughter feel better and more like her active self. I would appreciate any information, suggestions, as to what could be going on If it s something other than a bad cold and what we need to do to help our daughter feel better! ? If it is simply just a bad cold Once again, what else can I be doing that I m not already doing? Thank you for your time and assistance. Cheers, Mrs. Holley Michole Buckalew YYYY@YYYY YYYY@YYYY 307 760 5239 cell yes to receiving text messages