hey, i havent been feeling the best recently. The past 3 days ive had a headache, felt out of it, dizzy, fatigued and my stomach acids are screwed up, and kinda depersonalized. It started with a panic attack at night for no apparent reason. I have a sore throat everyday since then as the acids come up. Im not sure whether i have acid reflux or not. The panic attack resembled an experience i had a few weeks ago when i had a bad experience with a weed edible. I felt completely fine for the next 2 weeks however so im not sure whether im just overreacting and its just a coincidence. Ive been a bit sleep deprived lately as well. im not sure what is exactly wrong to cause all these symptoms. I was guessing i developed acid reflux as i really like caffeine and my throat gets tight and its hard to breathe at night along with shortness of breathe.