Hello, i do not have a question but want answers. I was diagnosed with Sludge in my gall bladder and Divertriculitus. I took an over the counter drug ( uristat) and landed in the hospital 3 days later. I was put on Zosyn and had an adverse reaction. I was then put on Cipro and Flagyl. I m home and have since had headaches, light headedness, swelling of my armpits, I cannot be near any Electromagnetic devises such as Xrays, MRI s, C-scan, Tv s, cell phones .or computers. I am light sensitive as well. I believe all these meds caused this. I want to know what I can take to get rid of the toxins from these meds. I have tingling in my hands, muscles and feet as well. I will not take any meds that are not natural since this happened and I ve turned Vegan Very upset and want to be me again.