My illness started in Feb 2016 feeling like intense head and ear pressure and ear blockage on both sides of my body. I couldn’t blow my nose. It felt like my vestibular system shut down. In May I started getting intense dizziness (not vertigo), blurred vision and imbalance in my gait and body. My legs would get heavy and weak and my body felt like it was being pushed. I became very clumsy. In June, the fourth and fifth fingers on both hands started tingling. I had many MRI’s and CT scans and saw many doctors who could not diagnose the symptoms which continue today. In July, an MRI of the cervical spine showed a herniated C5 disc so I had surgery on Aug. 4 to replace the C5 and fuse it to C6. I never had any neck pain at all before the surgery. For 4 weeks after the surgery, all symptoms cleared up. Then I took a light fall and the symptoms returned one by one. Since the surgery, I have symptoms on both sides of my body including rotational pain that comes and goes in legs, lower back, neck, ankles, and bottom of feet. My legs often feel very weak like they won’t support my weight. I have an unbalanced feeling when I walk and stand. My vision is frequently very blurred. I get small headaches in the base of my head and sides of my head. I still experience severe head, sinus, and ear pressure at frequent intervals and the dizziness is constant. Sometimes it is not so severe and other times it is very intense. I get burning sensations in my head and ears and back of my neck especially where the surgical area is. In front of my neck, I sometimes feel pressure on both sides. I am very clumsy and off balance. Sometimes I will bump into a doorway or wall or feel like I’m going to fall backward. I will put light objects down on kitchen counter and then they fall onto the floor. If I pull a grape off a stem, it falls out of my hand. I had my inner ears and hearing tested at JH. All was found to be normal. Their ENT department determined that the problem is neurological but they could not diagnose it. According to my ENT dr, I do not have vestibular migraines. He explained that these are episodic events and mine are continual. That diagnosis does not explain why the symptoms were resolved after my surgery and then came back. My neurosurgeon ordered an MRI after the surgery and all appeared normal so he was unable to diagnose it. My neurologist thought it might be related to a spinal fluid issue or nerve impingement. The problem and symptoms remain undiagnosed. When I lay down especially overnight, I feel better when I wake up in the morning. As soon as I get out of bed, all the symptoms start again. When I put my head down between my knees, that also stops the dizziness. When I drive my car, the dizziness lessens. The other symptoms are always there and somewhat rotational.