I have had ear problems for as long as I can remember. It started out with ear infections back in 2007 that lead to severe hearing loss. I got my first set of tubes put in, and they also removed my tonsils and adenoids, and after that it all seemed okay. However, the infections and hearing loss came back after those tubes came out. I ve been diagnosed with Chronic Eustachian Tube Dysfuntion, and have had 6 other surgeries since then, one being two weeks ago. I ve been telling everybody for a year that my adenoids grew back, and I was correct, so they removed them again during my last surgery. I still hear clicking when I open my jaw, as if the adenoids are still there. My last surgery before this one involved long term tubes, and this caused a hole in my left eardrum. They put a paper patch on it, and put a regular tube in my right ear. (the long term tube only lasted 6 months in my right ear.) After this surgery, I was hearing perfectly and was excited because I m a singer. Once my throat healed enough from the adenoidectomy to sing again, I couldn t hear myself, and my hearing goes down a tremendous amount each day. I don t know what else to try. Please help me if you can.