Thank for your query.
Noted the history of suffering from heaviness under the
rib cage on right side, nausea is present and gets better on waking or standing, also has
flatulence, overall discomfort which is difficult for you to explain.
All your symptoms are suggestive of either of the following.
Colitis on the right side.
Gall bladder and/or liver problem.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Ultrasonography and CT scan of the abdomen.
Colonoscopy and biopsy.
Tests of stool, blood and urine.
Clinical evaluation by a Gastroenterologist and/or Surgical Specialist.
All these things will lead to a proper diagnosis so that a proper management can be done to get you the cure.
Till then identify the foods and beverages and the factors which increase your problems and stop them altogether.