Hello dear
Understand your concern
Heavy and
prolonged vaginal bleeding called menorrhagia.
You immediately consult the gynecologist as bleeding is severe.
It may be due to ectopic pregnancy as your tube tied that increase risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Go for USG scan to diagnose the ectopic pregnancy and if will there should be treated by surgery.
Other cause of heavy and prolongs bleeding are:
Cervical cancer and dysplasia, endometrium dysplasia and cancer, fibroid, ovarian cyst.
If above cause do not found then it may be due to
dysfunctional uterine bleeding (because of hormonal imbalance)
Above causes should be diagnosed by reproductive hormone analysis, endometrium biopsy,
ovarian follicle study, USG scan and PAP smear.
Doctor will give you following advice:
oral contraceptive pill, trenexemic acid, povera shot.
If not responds to drug then it should be treated by D & C.
Another management depend on cause. Healthy diet with
iron supplements and heamatinics should be advisable.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar