I am 31, slightly overweight at 150 in a 5 2 body. I ve been pretty healthy my whole life with only minor issues. I also grew up with herpes on the my mouth, contracted as a child. I have no diseases or major allergies that I know of otherwise. I have had one sexual partner for several years. Our house is averagely clean, we eat organic food, I live in Portland, OR. Recently, at night I felt like bugs were biting me here and there. I thought maybe my skin was just dry and itchy. Then on my arm, the next day, a tiny mark that looked and felt like a mosquito bite appeared and I scratched it, the sore filled up with clear fluid and took at least a week longer to heal than it should have. Another one appeared next to it. Then later some on my jowl appeared. They became very crusty and seepy, not like a scar from scratching a bug bite. It reminded me greatly of the herpes I used to get on my mouth, but there were Not lots of little bumps like with herpes. Then they left a scar and faded away. I got some on the lip of my nose and they still have not healed because they keep getting reinfected by a cold weather nose drip. I got two on my left hand. One was on a finger joint and one was not, the joint one is incredibly painful and looks infected even though I keep putting antibiotic ointment on it. I have been putting antibiotic on all the sores and little is happening. I m very concerned. What is happening!!?? I barely ever go anywhere to contract diseases. I do the same thing every day and nothing carrying disease has been introduced into our house. Please tell me what this is and what to do! Thank you!