I am 37, white female, 5'7" 160 lbs.(recent weight gain from edema) no diagnosed conditions but 3+ years of being bounced around from Dr. to Dr. within my HMO and I am convinced there is no way that all of my symptoms are normal. Right now, my resting pulse rate is between 125-135 bpm and my blood pressure varies from 130/103 to 145/115. Yes, I have tried more than one cuff and replaced my batteries to make sure that the equipment isn't faulty. I experience dizziness, fatigue and I seem to get agitated when I have to make any decisions because my brain feels like it isn't working. My hands, feet and lips go numb during any activity until I finally give in and lie down and immediately fall asleep. I have reported this multiple times to my Physician and I keep getting told that I am suffering from depression. When did depression become able to give me every warning sign and symptom of a cardiac problem? I actually feel quite happy and optimistic towards life in general except for the sadness I feel is legitimate as I watch my life go by without me being able to actively participate. Any ideas on conditions that cause a high resting heart rate and systolic and diastolic pressure read to have such a low range. When I am completely hydrated and calm, even my lower end reads are 128/108 to 108/98.