Welcome and thank you for asking on HcM!
I passed carefully through your question and would explain that his blood pressure values are still high.
This means that Diovan is not effective in controlling his blood pressure values.
For this reason, I recommend consulting with another doctor and discussing the possibility of adding new anti-hypertensive drugs to his therapy (a
diuretic like hydrochlorothyazide or a
calcium channel blocker).
It is also necessary performing some tests to investigate for the possible causes underlying his uncontrolled high blood pressure:
- a chest X ray study
- a resting ECG and cardiac ultrasound
complete blood count for anemia
- fasting glucose for diabetes
- thyroid hormone levels for thyroid dysfunction
cortisol and
aldosterone plasma levels for adrenal gland dysfunction
- blood electrolytes for possible imbalance
- kidney and liver function tests.
You should discuss with his doctor on the above issues.
Kind regards,
Dr. Iliri