Hi i am Dr Ahmed Aly
thanks for using HealthcareMagic site ,
I had gone through your question and understand your concerns ..
It could be a sort of
sciatica due to nerve compression which may show your symptoms and also sometimes tingling or numbness is felt during
low back pain and cause throbbing
neuropathic pain .
I hope you feel better soon , in my opinion medications alone would not help you that much , i recommend
physiotherapy sessions , spinal straightening exercises , neck stretching exercises and hot massages is very helpful with most of the cases .
For my patients i recommend painkillers ( NSAIDs ) like tylenol 400mg tabs when needed , gentle massaging with topical anti-inflammatory gels , muscle relaxants , B12 vitamin supplements , in more severe or chronic cases steroid tabs ( vicodeine ) or injections and anti epileptics like
gabapentin are prescribed if required .
You may try to avoid heavy lifting , over weighing , obesity , vigorous movements and bad sleeping or sitting postures will be helpful in most of cases
If medical and physical medications failed for 6 consecutive month i recommend you undergo further investigations like X rays and MRI scans to exclude any spinal injuries or disc herniation and follow them up with your
neurologist for proper evaluation and management .
Nowadays minor invasive endoscopic interventions are highly developed and have had very good results but that depends on your general condition which i think from your given history and your age would not need further surgical interventions for spinal fixation with rods and plates if your spine condition requires .
For now try to be patient avoid high salts and proteins meals and always allow high fluid intake to prevent
dehydration will be fine for your condition
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Any further clarifications feel free to ask.