Thank you for asking on HCM!
I understand your concern, and would like to explain that it is very important to identify whether your husband suffers from
diabetes, and if it is so, to check about possible underlying consequences.
Regarding this purpose, I would recommend to check first a fasting blood glucose and a post prandial one. If no clear evidence are found, a
glucose tolerance test should be tried, too.
You need to perform a glycosylated
hemoglobin test (HbA1C), to make evidence of the last months glucose balance.
Whichever be the reason for the actual clinical symptomatology (diabetes or glucose intolerance), your husband needs to check besides the other routine lab tests, also repeatedly blood glucose, his
liver and renal function tests,
microalbuminuria, as well as an ocular fundoscopy, etc.
Some diet and life style modulations are necessary for a better blood glucose control, and to treat also the other possible coronary risk factors.
You need to discuss with his attending cardiologist about these issues.
Hope to have been helpful to you. Greetings! Dr. Iliri