Hi! I'm 27, I just got married recently, till i wux 17 i had a perfect menstrual cycle, i got my period within the same week every month, a day to bk n forth. But i went away to uni, and i was so stressed out it completely stopped for 3 months i gained 10kgs that year. Since then it wud fluctuate for months, it wud happen every 2-3 even 4 months for its regular 3 days...In october 2010 my doctor gave me Dostinex, which worked that month and i got my period on time, but it went back to irregular for another to months after that..Then recently in Feb, 2011... my dad passed away and we dint take that too well. I started spotting within 2 weeks and have been Bleeding since then! Its Been 2 n a half months now. Last week i got tested for Prolactin (2.20) and Pregnancy (-VE) and now i am on 2 Duphastons a day for the past 4-5 days n i've bled a few times since then too...HELP!!!