Please type your query here. Since this query is directed to our panel of specialists and super-specialists, please mention your problem in as much detail as possible. Do not forget to highlight your Age, Gender, Medical History and Treatment History of the problem you are facing.49 year old female. Doc put on holter which showed short run of v-tach. Put me in the hospital and did a cardiac workup. Found nothing wrong. Doc has put me on Prozac for the last two years but I still worry something is wrong. Had an EP study as well 15 years ago and could find nothing wrong with me and sent me on my way telling me that I have a normal hearrt and don't worry about it. I
I feel around 10 - 20 premature beats during a day, and probably 15-20 before sleep and I feel them when I wake up in the morning (normal)?. I feel this as a "long" heartbeat, a short break and a hard beat.. Everyone tell me this is normal and nothing to worry about them but that is easier said than done? I remember the EP doc telling me that I am just much too tuned in to my heart beat and try to ignore it and that my reaction to these irregularites is not normal. Can they be caused by some underlying heart disease that is not found yet?