Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
Irritation at urine place may be due to UTI that is
urinary tract infection.
Heaviness at liver area, nausea and pain in abdomen due to gas trouble could be due to many factors like
hepatitis, intestinal infection and so on.
This can be diagnosed by the following:
Send the urine for: routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity.
Stool tests.
Tests of blood for CBC, liver and kidney functions.
Ultrasonography and CT scan of the abdomen gives more information.
Clinical evaluation by your Doctor, examination, correlation with the reports of investigations to get a proper diagnosis and plan a proper management.
You may need an antibiotic and
metronidazole along with probiotics, activated
Liver protectors, specific treatment of the diseases thus found to get a proper cure is important.
Change over to another antibiotic as per the culture and sensitivity reports may be needed if you do not get proper results.
Also get the symptomatic and supportive management as per the signs and symptoms.
Plenty of oral fluids along with electrolyte solution if needed.