I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain mouth ulcers, corneal ulcers and skin rashes can occur as a delayed side effects of
chemotherapy and radiation and it is not an uncommon finding..
There is also possibility that skin rashes are occurring due to
allergic reaction to the antibiotic Penicillin that you have taken and still not resolving as you are already immunocompromised..
I would suggest you to consult your treating
Oncologist and get evaluated..
He can advise you to take multivitamins, gargle with numbing mouthwash, do warm saline gargles, gargle with 1:1 solution of
milk of magnesia and Benadryl..
Steroid eye drops and artificial tear drops can be advised for corneal ulcers..
In case if there is
throat infection antibiotics and Anti-inflammatory painkiller can be advised..
Anti allergics and steroids topically applied can be advised for rashes..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.