SGOT , SGPT , normal value is 5-45 IU and further this value is within normal range and not so specific for liver function test .
While serum
alkaline phosphatase is also 42-136 U/L , in you case it is 124 i.e. normal .
As all these enzymes are primarily found in the liver and useful for liver function test .
While in your case these are normal.
While you are taking UDILIV 300 MG (
diarrhea , this is most common side effect of udilive ,others are nausea, vomiting , and gall stone calcification.
Normal dose is 300 mg ,once in day but dosage depend on the severity of symptoms and type of disease .
So either reduce the dose or take some
lactobacillus or
prebiotics .
Plenty of fluid will also help , drug will adjust within nest 2-3 days .
Bulky food like rice , curd , banana will also help.
Still no relief consult your treating doctor and get his opinion.