I can understand your concern very well. The only major problem with
clozaril is
neutropenia which can develop at any time during treatment.
One point is that when the neurtophil count goes down below normal level -we stop the drug.
Second is - if there is a constant fall in
WBC or neurtophil numbers for three consecutive readings, again it is advisable to stop this drug even if the counts are within range ( this fact is not much known, so often missed).
To prevent the blood count falls- we recomemend Iron and
folic acid and zinc tablets when we start
Along with them it is advisable to - eat more green leafy vegetables and fruits like pomegranate, amla ( indian gooseberries) and other fruits which have propensity to make blood.
Its not proven scientifically, but in a condition called dengue- in India, several peopel are usually affected ( in this disease the also the blood counts fall significantly and become fatal some times)- a natural method which is parcticed successfully (along with normal medical methods)- juice of papaya plant leaves is given to the patients twice or thice a day for few days- (and the blood counts rise).
so, if need arise you may try it if you feel.
Rest is - monitor blood count closely; also keep a.check that she dosent develop
fever or body aches.
Start iron folic acid and zinc supplements. I hope your daughter keeps well on this medicine.
Wish you luck.
Dr. Manisha Gopal
MD Neuropsychiatry