I was just reading one of the other questions and answers and noticed something that applied to me. I have a history of SVT and have had a catheter ablation for it. Since then, I have still had issues with heart racing (under SVT rates of 150, though) and my cardio thinks I have Innapropriate Sinus Tachycardia. Am on 50 mg Inderal daily. Toprol made my BP too low.
The Q and A that caught my eye was the response from that doc telling someone to stay away from pools until their problem is dianosed. The doc thought it might be SVT. When I am in a pool for a period of time, I feel like I am starting to have some sort of heart issue and have to get out.
Also, I've noticed that, when I'm riding in a car for more that 30 minutes, I'll get out of the car and feel a huge BP drop and feel like I'm going to faint. Also get migraines soon after.
Can you shed dome light on these things?