I would like to make you happy with the simple effects of Ayurveda principles for such common ail.ents, provided you follow these honestly without fear.
This is vitiation of Kapha and Vata humors in body , which in modern you call body pains and infection of throat etc.
Simply bo water with holy basil leaves if you get and drink it tolerable warm daily twice. With it take 1/2 tsp turmeric powder.
If you can't do it please use Tulsi cap ( holy basil powder) and Haridra cap. ( turmeric powder) daily thrice a day, with warm water (prefer to boil little ginger in it).
Do it for 2-3 weeks and see how the things turn right and appetite, digestion flares up.
If you get
severe pain sometimes, may take antiinflammatory 1 sos and suck few lozeges for
sore throat e.g. herbal Koflet lozenges.
Above herbals are
antipyretic, anti infective, healer, pain killer and good immunity enhancers without side effects, without interaction.
Commonly available in India. Elsewhere you have to try to find out, on net. Himalaya co. makes many of these herbal capsules, available globally.
Hope it helps.