Hi, thanks for posting your concern in the HCM.
First of all, I would like to assure you that looking at your symptoms and your age, it seems to me very unlikely that you have a cancer.
Now, the second thing is that it is not at all a wise decision to avoid consulting a doctor.
My understanding on your case is that you may have got some urogenital infection. Any form of
hernia should also be ruled out.
I need to know a few more details-
1. Do you have fever?
2. Do you have any burning sensation during urination?
3. Are you having any recent onset increased urgency, frequency during urination or nocturia?
4. Are you having any bowel problems?
You may need to have the following tests done-
Complete blood count, urea,
creatinine, electrolytes
Urine for routine examination
USG of KUB region
You should consult your local urosurgeon at the earliest for clinical examination and further management.
Please also have plenty of oral fluid.
For any further questions, please write back to me.
Dr. Kaushik