Hi, I am a 28 year old woman, 4 months post c-section with second child and almost 2 months ago i found a lump on the left side of my neck.. i guess it would be by my jugular, it extends from right behind my left ear lobe,I was told it was a swollen lymph node. I do not have fever's, chills, feeling sick or extra tired or anything. I do have pressure in the ear and down to the lymph node but also have sinus pressure and post nasal drip since before the swelling of the lymph node... It hasn't gotten any bigger and is NOT painfull. What could cause this to swell and stay that way? I tried taking an antiboitic but the pills are to big for me to swollow so i didn't finish them. I am seeing my PCP this friday but as of right now I am scared i have cancer....