Hi, Monday night I ate dinner, several different things in small portions. Just as I was done eating I very suddenly felt queasy, slightly naseaus and bloated feeling. This feeling worsened throughout the night keeping me awake. I finally threw up close to morning, and couldn t bear the thought of food the next day, didn t eat at all, still feeling a bit queasy (tea was okay). The next day was a bit better, I ate small portions of light thing, pastina, etc., The third day I went back to work, thinking all was back to normal. I ate a light lunch and felt fine until I has one bite too many and suddenly felt bloated and queasy again. It finally subsided a few hours later and I didn t throw up again. This same feeling continues today (day 5). I can only eat small amounts spaced out and carefully. I am 50, female, in good shape, exercise regularly and don t normally have health issues. I don t take any medications. Anxious to get back to normal life.