Hello and welcome to HCM,
I will discuss about your problems individually.
Post coital bleeding occurs due to disorders of cervix, endometrium and vagina mainly.
A clinical assessment of the genital tract by a gynecologist is required.
Infection and inflammation of any of these sites can lead to post-coital bleeding.
Infection and inflammation of cervix are common cause of post-coital bleeding.
Cancer of cervix also causes post-coital bleeding but at your age it is unlikely.
The menstrual abnormality - decrease in menstrual flow can occur due to hormonal imbalance.
hemoglobin or anemia can also cause decreased menstrual flow or amenorrhea (absence of
Thus, a complete hemogram is required to estimate the blood hemoglobin level.
If hemoglobin is found to be normal, an
endometrial biopsy or curretting will be required to assess the status of endometrium.
Constipation needs to be managed by modifying the dietary habits.
Diet rich in fiber and low in refined carbohydrates will improve the consistency of stools.
For immediate relief soft softeners can be taken after prescription by your primary healthcare provider.
incontinence is probably due to constipation.
Hard stools sometimes stimulate the bladder nerves and cause incontinence.
Thus, treatment of constipation treat the incontinence also.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja Puri