Hello: 1. I had protected (vaginal and oral) sex with a girl on Jan 14th, 2017. She seemed to be careful, conscious of hygiene and insisted of protection. 2. Developed mouth ulcers and penis rashes first week of March. 3. March 12th 2017, exactly 8 weeks later we did blood test in details. All reports negative, except we discovered Herpes. The testing was done using combo test - HIV 1&2 + p24 4. Not sure Herpes was already there, based on symptoms, may be it was there earlier also. 5. No sex since Jan14th 6. Just that Herpse OB was strong after this sex contact, I am a bit anxious. I also have a vericocele in left testicular, which makes it burning sensation + some pain 7. Question : Based on the 8 weeks result, can I assume my status accordingly? Kindly suggest. Many thanks for your feedback in advance. Best Regards.