My symptoms have changed over the coarse of this passed 2 weeks. Week 1 it started off as if I had pulled a muscle in the back left of my neck and stretched up past my ear. Week 2 my neck became so stiff I couldn t raise my head up at all and needed assistance raising up from bed, furniture and toilet etc... About 3 days into the next week my temples swelled out (had halpened severely leaving me overwhelmed by what I thought were migraines, trouble eating/weightloss/drained/steady hot flashes/insomnia etc...week 4 now and the knot which now feels like a growth has moved from the left side of my neck down into my left arn shoulder area causing it to almost feel like my left arm will fall out of socketnatnanyngiven moment. I ve felt under the weather for about a month now, wake up with the taste of a little blood in mouth, extra sensitive sense of smell, pain. Swelling, left side chest pain here and there, nausea and dehydrated as well. I hope you can help me make sense of this as it has impacted my daily activities very much.My name is Jeremiah Carroll(325)0000