Hi, I recently saw my primary doctor and he prescribed Altace, 5 mg. & Athenolol, 25 mg. for my high blood pressure. It is giving me symptoms of: hot, sweats, nausea, cough, headache, tingling in right hand. I have only been on these prescriptions for three days. Prior to this, I was on Clonidine .01 mg. This gave me about the same symptoms along with feeling deathly ill!. I was on Coreg & Amilodipine prior to all of these when they rushed me to the ER thinking I was having a stroke, when it was my prescriptions. My blood pressure has been running between 220/112, & 208/98 & pulse between 75 & 106 when I have the above symptoms. My question is: do I take both the Altace & Athenolol together when my doctor only ordered 1ea. daily? If I do this in the am, I have nothing to take at bed time. And why am I having all these side affects? My email. Address is: birdjoyce198@ gmail.com