WhatDear Doctor: 2 months ago, I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. My chiropractor found my stomach was pushed up very high, next to my esophagus. He pushed it back down, but with a great deal of force and twisting. Ever since, I ve been getting sicker and sicker with episodes that come on several times per day and always upon waking. They last for hours and are so debilitating that I can no longer work. It starts with a feeling like some fluid is suddenly draining from my mid-abdomen. When I press on that area (or sometimes all by itself), I get a very hot rush of blood to my head and my face flushes bright red (and stays that way). Then a sense of extraordinary heat overcomes my entire body, to the point of making me nauseous. Then I start to shake unvoluntarily, with occasional big tremors in my left thigh and right bicep. Other info: I was also just told that I have an umbilical hernia and an inguinal hernia in each thigh. I have a history of localized scleroderma, which makes connective tissues weak. My orthopedist just found a popliteal cyst on the back of my knee (the same leg that tremors all the time). He put cortisone into my knee 4 days ago, but so far the mass swelling in my upper thigh and knee haven t gone down. Wondering if it s from another cause. Please help!! Any idea what could be causing the horrible burning.and shaking, or what tests so should have done?