I am a 65 year old women and I have been having some slight memory problems for about a year. My regular doctor did blood work and ordered an MRI--both of which came back good. He put me on Rivastigmine, one 1.5 mg capsule morning and evening and I have been taking them for 10 days now. I thought I was tolerating it well with no nausea, vomiting, diahrea. However, the last two days I have had numbness and tingling on the left side of my body--hand and up my arm some time, foot and up my leg some time, even the left side of my tongue and the upper and lower left portion of my lips. It is not in all these places at once and is not constant--comes and goes except for left hand and up my arm. No pain, per se, but impacts use of fingers when numb. Could this be a side effect of the Rivastigmine?? (I couldn t find it as a possible side effect when I researched it on the internet.) Any other advice you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you.