I had some flying bug bite me in my back yard in Victoria BC on May 11 and do not know what it was, my heart rate back then was 60 and tonight it was 78 and I am very concerned as the next day May 12th I had shortness of breath and felt very woozy and every since for a month now I have been in dire straights of numbness now in the feet which started right away and now has spread to my hands and arms and toes and finger tips feel asleep, also the backs of my legs seem weak to walk and the inside of my arms are weak. I feel fatigued. My face is a bit numb now and around my lips it feels like it is coming out of a freezing from a dentist. I've been to neurologists the last month for tests for the numbness but they find nothing, they put me on a nerve conduction machine -had an MRI of brain and cervical spine and everything is fine. My husband and I are relating it to this bug bite but the doctors to not rule it in and don't seem to be concerned. I just remember it was a flying bug and black, don't know what kind. Can you help me, I can't go on like this with the numbness, Is there something they could at least give me in case it is venom from that bug bite, my heart was 78 tonight and is skipping beats. Usually I am in the high 50's. Something is wrong. Why are they discounting this bug bite, all my trouble started the same day after the bite and is still going on but the numbness has spread. I don't understand, What could be given to me as a prescription so I can get back to normal. I went to the doctor again today and he didn't think antibiotics would be good as I asked him that, as he would have to know if it was a bacteria?????? There must be something-why are they ignoring this and testing me for MS and all the stuff they do find with me, Thank you, Gloria Weber