Hello doctor. I am a 22yr old black female, i am 1.6m in height, i weigh 72kg. in the beginning of this year i went on a low-kilojule diet whereby i changed my eating habits and managed to lose 13kg in about 3 months. However in the process of this weight loss period my skin started to act up, i have always had an oily and acne prone skin but it became worse. Then i consulted a dermatologist, and i have been put on acne treatment namely: Stiemycin and brevoxyl topical cream and i ingest purbac pills twice daily. I am seeing the results it terms of the fact that it has reduced the appearance of the spots but.... i am developing large blemishes/dark marks on my skin and my complexion is looking darker than my natural colour. I am just really worried that if i continue to use it, these scars might not go away and i myt be scarred for life. I really need a second opinion on whether or not i should continue with this treatment or if i should just stop now to avoid further damage to my skin. please help me doctor, or is there anything there anything else that i can try??? Kind regards, Masego.