Since 2003, I have been experiencing hand and arm pains, where my hands hurt all the time and tire out quickly, especially when writing or typing (which cause me to need to rest before continuing). Before there use to be numbness and tingling but that disappeared more recently. Also within the last 1.5 years, I have developed a sensitivity to cold...I can't hold a cup of ice coffee or put my hands in cold water without the pain being unbearable until i warm the hand up. I had nerve conduction testing in 2006, result was normal. I was first told i had carpal tunnel, then they told me I had ulnar nerve entrapment and now i am told it is neither. Also had blood work to rule out arthritis. I seriously am looking for what to do next, no doctor seems to be able to tell me what is causing the pain. I thought about dealing with it but seriously it makes it difficult for me to do my day to day house work. I am at the end of the rope and seriously just want this pain to go away, it has been plaguing me for too long.
Anyone have any suggestions?