Hi -
42 yr. old female, 5'6", 110 -115 lbs. Dr. found what he thinks is ovarian cyst 10 days ago during pelvic exam. Thinks there was a fair bit of fluid with or around it. No symptoms mentioned to Dr. at time (should have mentioned fainting at the onset of two periods twice in the past five months, lighter periods, often with one side of tampon being clear, pretty regular menstrual cramps throughout the whole month, weight loss in past 2 yrs (about 15 - 20lbs, but have taken up running and have very reduced appetite). Also found a small breast lump and hard areas. Went for mammiogram and ultrasounds a few days ago. Nurse called last week to say blood work showed I'm anemic. Am booked to see Dr. again tomorrow to discuss anemia and test results. Have fluctuated between uncomfortable and in pain ever since the pelvic exam, with the night of the ultrasound being especially achy & painful. Sounds crazy, as I had no significant pain prior to that - including after sex. My question: Should I request to have the sucker removed regardless? Hate the idea of "watchful waiting", tried the pill once for a few months and it made me ill (husband then got snipped). Our family is complete (18 yr. old and 11 yr. old boy). Would like the psychological relief of having it tested to ensure no cancer.